
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Townhome Tuesday: New Kitchen Bar Stools

When we first got our house we bought cheap bar stools for the kitchen. I just wanted something that would look nice, but I didn't really expect them to be so cheap that they would crap out after only a year (I should have taken the hint when the instructions called for all pieces to be assembled with glue instead of screws or nails). Well after a year they started to break, then for a year after that we just stopped sitting in them, but left them there in their broken state, and now finally I worked up the energy to go to the furniture store and get new ones.

Here are the old bar stools. I like how small they were - they fit easily under the counter.

Major structural issues.

I ended up getting bigger stools to replace these, mainly because I wanted some with a back that would be more comfortable. I got a good deal on the new stools because if you look really closely they are slightly different colors. Also, the upholstery was ugly, so that helped drive the price down. I got a nice fabric and replaced the cushion fabric easily (we have a staple gun, otherwise I don't think it would have been very easy).

New fabric on the left, old fabric on the right. Also, you can see how the right one looks more brown.

The new bar stools are awesome! The color difference isn't very noticeable, and I love not having to fear for my life every time I sit in them.

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