
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Townhome Tuesday: Hidden Corkboard

Today I have a super short post to showcase a recent organization tool Zach and I installed in the kitchen. 

I didn't really have a good space to keep all of my paper stuff that requires action (like coupons, recent mail, receipts to be split in This is stuff that I want to keep close by and in sight (so I remember to do something about them), but they are also messy looking. I used to hang them with magnets on the side of the fridge, but it looked all cluttered and gross.

I didn't want to add clutter to the fridge and take the focus away from my pretty homemade calendar.

To solve this problem I went to Michaels and got cork board panels for less than $10, then Zach used the staple gun to attach them to the inside of this cabinet. Now I can keep all of that paper mess close by, but hidden. Yay!

This is a frequently used cabinet so I see this stuff all of the time, which is good so I can remember to actually use all of the coupons I save.

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