Since Zach and I are living off of one salary and saving for a house and the wedding, we've had to employ some creative money saving techniques. We thought you'd enjoy seeing how we're managing to save money:
We always keep our thermostat off. When it gets too hot, we open the sliding door. When it gets too cold, we warm ourselves by lighting candles and using blankets.
We don't bother paying for cable each month, we just hook the computer up to the TV and watch online shows and movies.
We take extra condiments when we go out to eat and use them later so we don't have to buy them from the store.
When there's a sale at the store, we buy in bulk (that's right, we currently have nine cereal boxes).
We use office supplies to seal our food (who needs to spend money on chip clips or tupperware?).
We track all of our spending on Since we've been using it we've already identified over $100 in faulty charges.
We hoped you enjoyed this insight into our current lifestyle. We miss you all and hopefully we'll see you all at the wedding in October!
Robert and I are in the same boat. We also buy in bulk and leave the thermostat off. It's amazing how much more we're able to put in savings each month! :D