We have a finalized date! Friday October 1, 2010. More info to come, but for now my mission is to find whether 100110 translates from binary into anything interesting. Check it out below, I think the date looks pretty cool written out like that and it should be easy for Zach to remember...
The binary number 100110 converts to the decimal number 38 (32 + 4 + 2). According to the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) the number 38 corresponds to the ampersand symbol (&). Zach "&" Tessa??? I think that date is meant to be... especially for geeks like us.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was at work today I wrote the date and looked at it and thought "hey, binary code," then it clicked and I thought "I think Zach's wedding is today!"
ReplyDeleteHappy wedding day to you both!